Psychology of Forgiveness – Devotional

A 4-day devotional on the ‘Psychology of Forgiveness’. Available on and YouVersion now!

This devotional is where ‘psychology meets scripture’ on the topic of forgiveness. Oftentimes, we passively forgive an offender, with a simple ‘I forgive you’, however, the challenge comes when you are reminded of their offence every time you see them. Or when you find it hard to get rid of that negative memory. Sometimes these recurring memories and feelings make you question whether you have really forgiven them or not.

Psychology of Forgiveness

I’m reading the ‘Psychology of Forgiveness’ devotional. Join the conversation and understand the psychological processes behind forgiveness. Check it out!

13 thoughts on “Psychology of Forgiveness – Devotional

  1. Just read psychology of forgiveness in You version app. Simply and beautifully written. I am a born again Christian and look forward to sharing this with others.

  2. Hi Kanayo,

    I thought this devo was very good. I did have one question in regards to forgiving without the offender apologizing. I agree that Christ has paid the price and has forgiven me for my sins past and future but scripture is clear that I have to repent of my sin nature to receive salvation and I have to “confess my sins” to receive forgiveness after I am saved. Can you share with me some scriptures referencing Christ forgiving me without a confession of my sin?

    That said, I know with human beings, I can’t force someone to apologize so it’s best to take it to God and forgive them.

    Thank you and God bless


    1. Hi Kevin,

      Thank you for completing the devotional. I am glad that you found it useful.

      To answer you question, there is no scripture to my knowledge which overtly states that we are forgiven without repentance. However, the anchor scripture that I referenced in regards to this topic is ‘Romans 5:8 – But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us’. Emphasis on ‘while we were yet sinners’. Meaning that were we sinful and in some regards we were ‘unrepentant’ Christ displayed the ultimate example of love and forgiveness by laying down his life. I hope this brings some clarity and also curiosity to sit with the Lord and ask Him to reveal more to you.

      God bless you abundantly.

      1. Thank you for sharing your plan on YouVersion. The title “Pyschology of Forgiveness” was intriguing to me.

        Please see my response to “Kevin” above.

        Stay blessed

    2. Hello Kevin,

      I agree with you. Repentance is a prerequisite for forgiveness. As Kanayo noted in her response below, while we were sinners Jesus died for us. An undeniable fact. However, everyone of us that Christ died for while we were sinners will have to repent of our sins to gain access to His sacrifice and salvation.

      Furthermore, Jesus said in Luke 17:3-4, Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him. Again, forgiveness has a price, it’s repentance.

      Our responsibility as Christ-like individuals is to always have a forgiving heart just like our savior. Jesus Christ will never turn anyone away, however it is only those who seek Him and repent of their ways that the Messiah welcomes. The good news is that, His Heart is always open to welcome sinners like you and myself into His fold.

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I pray that God of will continue to give us the wisdom, knowledge, understanding to work according to His words.

      Stay blessed

  3. Thank you for this devotional! I found it via You Version app and have taken so many notes. I had to come find the loving mind behind it all. Thank you so much! You have taught me so much and I’m extremely thankful for your work and writing combining psychology with your Christian faith. Thank you, seems so trite. Many hugs from “across the pond”. ♥

    1. Awww God bless you! I am so glad that you were encouraged by the devotional. It is my joy to hear how the Holy Spirit has allowed this devotional to meet the need of its readers. May the Lord continue to perfect his work in you and all of us. Major hugs from the UK! With love, Kanayo

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