Jonah 3

  I shared a 20-minute message on Jonah 3 last Sunday at Chatsworth Baptist Church. Read Jonah 3 and watch the sermon below. You can follow our series on Jonah via YouVersion and join the 50,000+ others who have completed the #JonahChallenge devotional on YouVersion. Jonah Goes to Nineveh 3 Then the word of the Lord came to … Continue reading Jonah 3

From The Fire…To Freedom

We went through fire and water, but You brought us to a place of abundance. - Psalm 66:12 Maybe when you look back, or even look where you presently are, you can fully relate to the first part of this verse. Maybe it feels like you've been through the fire and the water. Maybe it feels … Continue reading From The Fire…To Freedom

Prayer and Encouragement from my Big Sisters

I love my big sisters - had to share their encouraging words which touched me! Have a read below and show some love and support!  (Thank You to my big sister Ashley for this Prayer) Lord, protect my heart and the hearts of all those battling with rejection and pain. Keep our hearts free from … Continue reading Prayer and Encouragement from my Big Sisters

#JosephChallenge – Social Media Activity

Hey guys, I'll be updating this post with all things '#JosephChallenge'! Look out for some of your posts here! 🙂 Thank you so much for participating and sharing. God bless you!! reading #JosephChallenge – Social Media Activity

Day 11 – #JosephChallenge FINALE

DAY 11 Read: Genesis 50, Romans 8:28 and Matthew 6:9-15 God brought good out of all the trials that Joseph faced. He brought good out of the rejection and betrayal. He brought good out of Joseph’s imprisonment when he was falsely accused by Potiphar’s Wife…and He brought good out of the seven year famine. This … Continue reading Day 11 – #JosephChallenge FINALE

Day 10 – #JosephChallenge

DAY 10 Read: Genesis 49 and Ephesians 6:11-18 Remain steady I encourage you to read Genesis chapters 47 to 48 in your own time for greater context to Joseph’s story. Today’s focus is on Genesis 49. The words spoken by Jacob over his 12 sons were prophetic. His sons represented and were the ancestors of … Continue reading Day 10 – #JosephChallenge

Day 9 – #JosephChallenge

DAY 9 Read: Genesis 45, Genesis 46:1-7 and Genesis 46:26-34 The Wait Dreams can take a while to become a reality. The process may be ugly, but the product is so beautiful. Remember that Joseph had this dream a while back and it didn't manifest or become a reality immediately. Josephs’ dreams at age 17, … Continue reading Day 9 – #JosephChallenge

Day 8 – #JosephChallenge

DAY 8 Read: Genesis 43 and Genesis 44 You Are Necessary The fact that Jacob’s sons went to Egypt for a second time, shows how desperate they were for provisions. Jacob proved himself as man of integrity by telling his sons to take extra money for the previous purchase. He didn't try to get away … Continue reading Day 8 – #JosephChallenge

Day 7 – #JosephChallenge

DAY 7 Read: Genesis 42  Unresolved offenses have consequences... Is there anyone that you may have offended or are harbouring malice towards? No position is permanent; you don't know where you will be tomorrow or where they will be. You may need their help, just like Joseph’s envious brothers needed his help in their time … Continue reading Day 7 – #JosephChallenge

Day 6 – #JosephChallenge – The Function of Your God-given Gift

DAY 6 Read: Genesis 41, Proverbs 18:16 and 1 Corinthians 2:14 Your Gift The magicians and ‘wise men’ could not understand Pharaoh’s troubling dream. Some people can’t understand your problems, trials, dreams (positive and negative) because they only operate by human logic and do not depend on God for His wisdom. We must be cautious … Continue reading Day 6 – #JosephChallenge – The Function of Your God-given Gift